The Percentage Decrease Calculator is a practical tool designed to calculate the reduction from one value to another as a percentage.
This type of calculation is commonly used when comparing past values with current ones to measure drops in prices, performance, or other metrics.
By entering an original value and a new, lower value, the calculator quickly determines how much the value has decreased in percentage terms, providing clear and accurate results for users.
This calculator uses a straightforward formula to compute the percentage decrease. The formula subtracts the final value from the initial value, divides the difference by the initial value, and multiplies the result by 100.
Once you enter the initial and final values into the form fields, the tool will instantly process the numbers and display the percentage decrease. For instance, if you input an initial value of 200 and a final value of 150, the calculator will show a 25% decrease, reflecting the amount the value has dropped.
This tool can be used in a wide range of real-world situations. For businesses, it’s useful in monitoring price reductions, profit drops, or other financial losses.
It can also be valuable for students who need to calculate percentage decreases as part of their studies in subjects like economics or mathematics. Consumers may find it helpful when calculating price discounts or reductions in spending over time.
Original number – new number = actual decrease
(actual decrease / original) * 100 = percentage decrease (%)
To find the percentage decrease between two numbers, we start by finding the actual decrease. This is done by subtracting the new number from the original number. We then divide the difference by the original number and multiply the answer by 100 to give us the percentage decrease.
1) A new car was bought for $23 000. 1 year later it sold for $18 000. By what percentage had the value of the car decreased?
23 000 – 18 000 = 5 000
(5 000 / 23 000) * 100 = 21.7%
The car decreases by 21.7% of its original value.
2) The number of students at a university studying English from 2100 one year to 1950 the following year. By what percentage has the number of students studying English decreased?
2100 – 1950 = 150
(150 / 2100) * 100 = 7.14%
The number of students has decreased by 7.14%
3) The profits from an ice cream shop were $15 000 in 2019. Due to lock downs, in 2020 the profits were $6 500. What is the decrease in percentage of the ice cream shops profits?
15 000 – 6 500 = 8 500
(8 500 / 15 000) * 100 = 56.7%
The ice cream shops profits were reduced by 56.7%.
Find Percentage started out as a project to help people calculate percentage in an easy way. We saw the need of a very user friendly calculation website, so we took it further and made even more calculators, e.g how to calculate BMI (body mass index), fat percentage, currencies and so on. We work hard to continuously make new helpful stuff that people find really useful in their daily life. Read more