Percentage Increase Calculator

The Percentage Increase Calculator is a simple yet powerful tool that helps users determine the percentage increase from one value to another. This type of calculation is commonly used in various financial, academic, and business settings.

How the Calculator Works

This calculator is based on the formula for percentage increase, which is defined as the difference between the final value and the initial value, divided by the initial value, multiplied by 100.

Once you enter the original number and new number into the input fields, the tool instantly processes the data and delivers the percentage increase. For instance, if you input an initial value of 100 and a final value of 150, the result will show a 50% increase.

Formula for calculating percentage Increase

New number – original number = actual increase

(actual increase / original) * 100 = percentage increase (%)

To find the percentage increase between two numbers, we start by finding the actual increase. This is done by subtracting the original number from the new number.

We then divide the difference by the original number and multiply the answer by 100 to give us the percentage increase. 

Practical Examples

1) The price of a TV increases from $400 to $450 due to new technology. What is the percentage increase of the TV?

450 – 400 = 50

(50 / 400) * 100 = 12.5%

2) At the end of his contract, Henry’s rent is increased from $600 to $630 when he signs the new contract. What is the percentage increase in his rent?

630 – 600 = 30

(30 / 600) * 100 = 5%

3) You are investing money in the stock market. With an initial investment of $5 000, you get lucky and after 5 years now have $23 000. What is the percentage increase in your portfolio?

23 000 – 5 000 = 18 000

(18 000 / 5 000) * 100 = 360 % 

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About Find Percentage

Find Percentage started out as a project to help people calculate percentage in an easy way. We saw the need of a very user friendly calculation website, so we took it further and made even more calculators, e.g how to calculate BMI (body mass index), fat percentage, currencies and so on. We work hard to continuously make new helpful stuff that people find really useful in their daily life. Read more